Palacio Arzobispal

The Archbishop's Palace was was reconstructed in 1924 and shows Moorish-style carved balconies.
O Palácio do Arcebispo foi reconstruído em 1924 e mostra sacadas de madeira com influências Mouras.
Word-carved balconies with Moorish influences at the entrance of the Archbishop's Palace. Sacadas de madeira com influências Mouras na entrada do Palácio do Arcebispo. : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  For over four centuries, this palace was the center of evangelization and pastoral policy for Peru and South America. Por mais de quatro séculos, este palácio foi o centro da evangelização e política pastoral para o Peru e América do Sul. : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015 
Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015  Archbishop's Palace : Lima, Peru, Vacation 2015